The rainbow tyranny. Fear has paralyzed politicians and citizensĀ and silenced free speech already.30/6/2016 “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell.
Who would have thought that by defending traditional marriage someone would be considered a revolutionary today? The article in the Australian newspaper interviewing former Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Saturday 27th February 2016 was a rare ray of light in an ever darkening political and moral landscape in Australia. Former Australian Prime Minister Howard has sounded an alarm about the culture war in Australia, warning that people are being "cowed" (bullied or intimidated) and are too scared to speak their mind freely on issues such as same-sex "marriage." He has also noted the "dangerous anti-religious push" which has emerged in Australia generally, and specifically singled out Victorian Premier Daniel Andrew's anti-Christian pogrom as "pernicious" (evil or wicked.) As an encouragement for Australian citizens to speak up, he said, "There is nothing homophobic about supporting traditional marriage." It is not a crime (yet) to speak the truth, though it is fast becoming a revolutionary act. He said, "There is sense in which people are so frightened of being accused of being discriminatory or intolerant that they don't speak the commonsense view." "The standards of civil society in Australia were being undermined by a growing intolerance towards people who don't subscribe to a range of progressive views," (or agree with the intolerant rainbow ideology). "I think the problem is that too few people are prepared to call it for what it is," he said. The politicians are too scared to speak the commonsense view because they are scared of "losing votes." The people are too scared to speak against or act to stop this tyranny in case they "offend somebody," he said. He goes on to say, "there is a new form of minority fundamentalism" emerging, typified by the Greens use of the anti-discrimination law in Tasmania to silence opponents of the homosexual agenda. Noting one example of the new oppression which has effectively silenced Australian citizens, Howard said of Daniel Andrew's attempts to stop children singing Christmas carols such as Once in Royal David's City or Silent Night (as well as Away in a Manger), that it was "pernicious." "I am surprised there hasn't been a greater outcry about it." "Such cultural intolerance will provoke a backlash." How did such a "climate of repression" come upon our once young and free nation apparently so quickly? One clue comes from the recent calls from left-wing politicians and the pro-homosexual lobby to allow 16-17 year old Australians a vote in general elections and specifically in the marriage plebiscite. They understand that the decades long infiltration of our state and federal education departments by radical feminist, homosexual and Marxist proponents has now done its job of radicalizing a whole generation of young Australians, who are almost ready to vote away the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. What they gave us with such cost we have failed to protect. Source
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Craig MannersWhile much of what is written in this Blog may currently appear to be counter-cultural, given our post-truth culture, it is in no way counter-human beings. I am always for people no matter what they think, do, or may have done in their past. Where I put forward ideas or debate against certain ideology, behaviour, ideas, movements, politics, I remain very much on the side of the human beings even though I may be opposed to their worldview, behaviour and politics. Such opposition is generally out of concern for the ultimate consequences of such behaviour or ideas, especially for children. |