As the cultural-Marxist revolution gains pace in its takeover of Western Civilization, one of it's main targets, Christianity, has been so thoroughly vilified and undermined, especially to the younger generation, that the door to a true understanding of it has seemingly been forcefully shut. People have effectively been intimidated into ignorance.
However, we still have enough freedom for individuals to advance themselves and gain a fuller education by looking into what many believe is the greatest, most influential, most positively life-changing, hope-filled movement to ever sweep the world. Therefore please feel free (while you still can) to expand your mind, ask and research this question:
What on earth is Christianity really all about?
As the religion of "secular humanism" rises throughout the West and tries to suffocate all opposing views; as the war on truth ravages our society, emptying it if meaning and purpose, reducing our once healthy and robust public square to one silenced by debilitating, authoritarian intimidation, we will continue to see more and more forceful anti-truth, anti-Christian sentiment emerge. Is this justified? Is it rational? Does it promote or suppress human well-being or flourishing? Is it of any benefit to you as a unique and intelligent human being to restrict freedom of the pursuit of knowledge?
Don't be intimidated into silencing your quest for answers. Don't let ignorance stop you from being fully informed. There really is a lot at stake. To truly soar and make the most of your life at least get yourself a full education and have an honest look at Christianity.
Don't be intimidated into silencing your quest for answers. Don't let ignorance stop you from being fully informed. There really is a lot at stake. To truly soar and make the most of your life at least get yourself a full education and have an honest look at Christianity.
Humanism and atheism have no answers to your big questions, no satisfactory answers to explain the evidence and realities all around us which somehow need to be accounted for or explained. To say that everything in our realm, including us complex human beings, just emerged out of an explosion of nothing, which was caused by nothing, doesn't do it (explosions after all destroy, they do not create order). They can offer no answers and also no hope in the face of the reality of evil and death and life's other inevitable difficulties.
"It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything." G.K. Chesterton.
Anti-God, anti-truth, totalitarian, man-centred Marxist socialism also can offer no hope or answers, even though it is held up as the fashionable ideology throughout Western universities today. Socialist populations are enslaved populations. Marxist inspired movements such as the modern union movement, the trans and LGBT political movement, the Greens, the ALP, they speak of "tolerance" and "freedom" and "equality" but they deceive and they lie. They offer nothing but slavery to a totalitarian government. They offer no hope in life nor in death. They offer hopelessness.
"Students cannot possibly receive a well-rounded education without understanding Christianity’s impact on Western Civilization. There would be no Western civilization without the Bible or Christianity." John Stonestreet
People are wired to want answers and especially answers to life's big questions? Like: "Where did we come from?" "What is life all about?, "What happens to us when we die?"
We all have these questions at some stage of our life, when the brevity of life, or the seeming futility and dishonesty of our secular society, or the shallowness of our relationships, or the dissatisfaction of our worldly success seem to hit us and wake us up.
“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’" Psalm 14:1. Most people are not really fools. Deep down, if you can switch off the desensitizing media which engulfs your world. If you be still and think. If you sit quietly by yourself and gaze into a clear night sky. If you experience the birth of your son or daughter. If you hold your parents hand as they leave this world. You will want to ask deep questions.
Does your worldview provide you with answers to each of these pieces of evidence below? Christianity does and quite convincingly.
1-We have a universe which must have had a beginning; 2- We see the appearance of fine-tuning in this universe directed toward sustaining life; 3- There is the origin of life from non-life; 4- We see the appearance of design in biology; 5- We have a conscience -how is this explained; 6- We have the ability to make choices freely as free agents; 7- There exists objective moral truths; 8- The existence of evil. (God's Crime Scene)
Don't ignore the questions you have or bury them behind busy lives. Look into them, honestly, diligently, without the bias imposed by our secular media, government or society. There is too much at stake to let them prevent your honest investigation. The things keeping you busy are all of fleeting significance. This investigation has eternal consequences.
But where to start? Well, go to the source. Ask God, directly, to help you. Just say to God something like, "God if you are really there, please reveal yourself to me, help me, guide me. If the only way to you is really through your Son Jesus, then in Jesus name please reveal yourself to me."
Then read the book He has given us, so that you can get to know Him as He has revealed Himself, rather than trusting men and the way they would like God to be. That is one reason why God gave us the Bible, so that we could have a trustworthy source to go to and find out about Him.
Widely acknowledged as the source of Western civilization and its initial success, Christianity, and its source document the Bible, has been under intense attack from forces opposed to it for two thousand years now, yet it continues on unhindered. That is because it is true, it provides the answers, it has power. Don't trust those who say there is nothing out there, no hope, no meaning, no answers. Look into it yourself.
To ignore Christianity, to revise history to write its influence out, is to be dishonest and if nothing else is detrimental to a genuine education. I encourage you to investigate Christianity honestly, to read the Bible for yourself and find a Bible believing local church where you can ask questions, I provide some additional resources here for you to make a start.
We are all hopelessly lost in a broken world, we are slaves not free, but God provides a way out of this brokenness, this slavery. He provides true hope, answers, the best possible life here and now, and true life with Him for all eternity. We cannot earn this, we do not deserve this, it is a free gift of God who has paid the wages (death) of your brokenness (sin) Himself through the death of His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross taking upon Himself the sins of all who trust and believe. Proving He has defeated death for His people, Jesus rose from death on the third day and is alive today.
If you put your trust in Jesus, then His sinless life and payment on the cross are credited to your account – which gives you a perfect record before God and eternal life. You too will have defeated our last enemy: death.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
In this world of competing views who would you rather trust, God or man? “Anyone who trusts in Him (Jesus) will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11).
“If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9).
There simply is nothing more important for any human being than a right relationship with God.
Craig Manners.
For further investigation:
What is Christianity all about? - Craig Manners
To help your investigation here is an answer to the question: What is Christianity all about?
Read about the Cure for Death
You may also like this short blog titled: Does God Exist?
You could watch this short video titled: Two ways to live.
Below is a great movie which is extremely helpful in investigating this vital topic.
"It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything." G.K. Chesterton.
Anti-God, anti-truth, totalitarian, man-centred Marxist socialism also can offer no hope or answers, even though it is held up as the fashionable ideology throughout Western universities today. Socialist populations are enslaved populations. Marxist inspired movements such as the modern union movement, the trans and LGBT political movement, the Greens, the ALP, they speak of "tolerance" and "freedom" and "equality" but they deceive and they lie. They offer nothing but slavery to a totalitarian government. They offer no hope in life nor in death. They offer hopelessness.
"Students cannot possibly receive a well-rounded education without understanding Christianity’s impact on Western Civilization. There would be no Western civilization without the Bible or Christianity." John Stonestreet
People are wired to want answers and especially answers to life's big questions? Like: "Where did we come from?" "What is life all about?, "What happens to us when we die?"
We all have these questions at some stage of our life, when the brevity of life, or the seeming futility and dishonesty of our secular society, or the shallowness of our relationships, or the dissatisfaction of our worldly success seem to hit us and wake us up.
“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’" Psalm 14:1. Most people are not really fools. Deep down, if you can switch off the desensitizing media which engulfs your world. If you be still and think. If you sit quietly by yourself and gaze into a clear night sky. If you experience the birth of your son or daughter. If you hold your parents hand as they leave this world. You will want to ask deep questions.
Does your worldview provide you with answers to each of these pieces of evidence below? Christianity does and quite convincingly.
1-We have a universe which must have had a beginning; 2- We see the appearance of fine-tuning in this universe directed toward sustaining life; 3- There is the origin of life from non-life; 4- We see the appearance of design in biology; 5- We have a conscience -how is this explained; 6- We have the ability to make choices freely as free agents; 7- There exists objective moral truths; 8- The existence of evil. (God's Crime Scene)
Don't ignore the questions you have or bury them behind busy lives. Look into them, honestly, diligently, without the bias imposed by our secular media, government or society. There is too much at stake to let them prevent your honest investigation. The things keeping you busy are all of fleeting significance. This investigation has eternal consequences.
But where to start? Well, go to the source. Ask God, directly, to help you. Just say to God something like, "God if you are really there, please reveal yourself to me, help me, guide me. If the only way to you is really through your Son Jesus, then in Jesus name please reveal yourself to me."
Then read the book He has given us, so that you can get to know Him as He has revealed Himself, rather than trusting men and the way they would like God to be. That is one reason why God gave us the Bible, so that we could have a trustworthy source to go to and find out about Him.
Widely acknowledged as the source of Western civilization and its initial success, Christianity, and its source document the Bible, has been under intense attack from forces opposed to it for two thousand years now, yet it continues on unhindered. That is because it is true, it provides the answers, it has power. Don't trust those who say there is nothing out there, no hope, no meaning, no answers. Look into it yourself.
To ignore Christianity, to revise history to write its influence out, is to be dishonest and if nothing else is detrimental to a genuine education. I encourage you to investigate Christianity honestly, to read the Bible for yourself and find a Bible believing local church where you can ask questions, I provide some additional resources here for you to make a start.
We are all hopelessly lost in a broken world, we are slaves not free, but God provides a way out of this brokenness, this slavery. He provides true hope, answers, the best possible life here and now, and true life with Him for all eternity. We cannot earn this, we do not deserve this, it is a free gift of God who has paid the wages (death) of your brokenness (sin) Himself through the death of His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross taking upon Himself the sins of all who trust and believe. Proving He has defeated death for His people, Jesus rose from death on the third day and is alive today.
If you put your trust in Jesus, then His sinless life and payment on the cross are credited to your account – which gives you a perfect record before God and eternal life. You too will have defeated our last enemy: death.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
In this world of competing views who would you rather trust, God or man? “Anyone who trusts in Him (Jesus) will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11).
“If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9).
There simply is nothing more important for any human being than a right relationship with God.
Craig Manners.
For further investigation:
What is Christianity all about? - Craig Manners
To help your investigation here is an answer to the question: What is Christianity all about?
Read about the Cure for Death
You may also like this short blog titled: Does God Exist?
You could watch this short video titled: Two ways to live.
Below is a great movie which is extremely helpful in investigating this vital topic.