By Craig Manners
17th November 2015 No wonder the West is under such imminent threat from so many enemies. Our young people are being taught by university professors who tell them that our Christian foundations are "disgusting" and no different from Islamic fascism. All religion has been lumped into one basket and the whole basket is being thrown out. Our political leaders are busy dismantling the foundations of our society because they have fallen for this lie. What are they replacing them with? "Secular Humanism." They are not getting rid of all religion, they are just replacing them with one single totalitarian religion. It is state sponsored and like anything totalitarian will abide no competition. In response to Islamic attacks in Paris, The (confused) Age newspaper ran an article by Bruce Hearn Mackinnon, senior lecturer in the Department of Management at Deakin University, in which he wrote, "Finally, it is time for atheists, agnostics and moderate believers everywhere to unite in our disgust and opposition to religious fundamentalism of all varieties, be it Islamic, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish or any other variety." 1 So, Muslims kill over one hundred civilians in Paris and we blame Christians with equal vigor! Right. That makes sense Bruce. Christianity teaches our children to love everybody, even those who hate them, to help other people, to be "other" centered, to pay their taxes, obey authority, be good citizens. Christians lead our children away from ice and other drugs, away from alcohol abuse, away from sexual immorality, they build schools and hospitals around the world, they help our children to grow up and have hope, healthy lifestyles, productive careers, good relationships, to be faithful husbands and wives, to have children, to be honest and trustworthy citizens. If our media and university teachers cannot tell the difference between Christianity and Islam our civilization is probably as good as lost already. One encourages freedom of enquiry, speech, religion and conscience, the other has no room for religious or political or cultural or even language opposition. It is not that difficult Bruce. Then there is the option Bruce is pushing: secular humanism. A political/religious ideology which will teach your children that the State is the supreme authority, that there is no truth, no God, no hope, just self, just this life. Which will lead your children toward dishonesty, welfare dependency, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, selfishness, singleness, childlessness, loneliness, regrets, depression, poverty, hopelessness. Which would you choose for your children? 1) Read more: Comments are closed.
Craig MannersWhile much of what is written in this Blog may currently appear to be counter-cultural, given our post-truth culture, it is in no way counter-human beings. I am always for people no matter what they think, do, or may have done in their past. Where I put forward ideas or debate against certain ideology, behaviour, ideas, movements, politics, I remain very much on the side of the human beings even though I may be opposed to their worldview, behaviour and politics. Such opposition is generally out of concern for the ultimate consequences of such behaviour or ideas, especially for children. |