Daniel Andrews continues his Marxist march through Victoria with his biggest and boldest move to date, now announcing a $1.9 billion program designed to continue his push to undermine families. While Victoria reels under a rampant crime wave, traffic congestion continues to grow, and children continue to be bombarded with confusing messages about life, the Victorian government simply double their efforts at social engineering!
This seems to be an ideological war on families. If as a society, we are willing to undermine the very foundations which underpin civilized society and which are designed to restrain bad behavior, we can only expect more, not less, crime in Victoria. Violence in any form should never be condoned. But why so much focus on so-called "family" violence? Is all the other types of violence OK? Are families really so evil they need to be singled out as the worst source of violence? What about tackling the violence caused by alcohol and drug abuse inside families and outside? The main underlying cause of violence in our society come from such abuse, yet we are literally saturated by advertising glamourizing drinking, and drug use is more and more being normalized. If alcohol abuse is the major cause of any violence why not limit such advertising? Then there is the violence which stems from boys growing up without a father? Statistics show that a large number of men in prisons grew up either without a father or in a situation where the father was not very engaged, undermined ridiculed, or discouraged in his vital role. Why not spend money encouraging fatherhood? Vladimir Lenin, in seeking to undermine the foundations of Russia and take control of the State once said "Destroy the family, destroy the nation". To oppose this Marxist strategy in Victoria will require strengthening families not undermining them. The following article is from News.com.au: Christopher Talbot Australian Associated Press May 2nd 2017 "Victoria will slash consultancies and other spending to fund what it says is the largest family violence prevention budget in Australian history. The 2017/18 state budget delivers $1.9 billion to tackle what Premier Daniel Andrews calls the biggest "crisis" facing Australia. New child protection staff will be recruited, new courts established, and safety hubs will be built for at-risk women and children to get help faster. "This will not just change lives. This will save lives," Treasurer Tim Pallas told reporters on Tuesday. "It is more money directed in this budget to family violence than all of the budgets of all the states and territories and the Commonwealth combined." Mr Pallas said $1.3 billion will be rerouted from the public sector to pay for the family violence initiatives. "It's effectively redirecting the effort of government," Mr Pallas said. "We could have taken the easy route of adding to our revenue base by putting a family violence charge on the community, but we've chosen not to do that." The government will reduce "consultancies and other forms of outgoings" to pay for it. While it won't affect frontline services, there will be "some pain associated with this", Mr Pallas said. Domestic Violence Victoria chief executive Fiona McCormack said the money would help victims and put the focus on perpetrators. "The government is sending a message to men who use violence that there will be much more accountability," Ms McCormack told reporters. Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry acting chief executive Bryce Prosser said the focus on social issues, such as family violence, would boost the confidence of businesses to invest and grow. The biggest investment is $448.1 million for 17 support and safety hubs for women and children to escape to, and to get them in faster contact with social services and crisis housing. Victoria will establish five new specialist family violence courts at a cost of $269.4 million over the next four years. That will include an upgrade of the archaic 1980s computer system still being used by the Magistrates' Court and Family Court. Some 450 new child protection workers will also be recruited under the plan." http://linkis.com/www.news.com.au/nati/TZWDz
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Craig MannersWhile much of what is written in this Blog may currently appear to be counter-cultural, given our post-truth culture, it is in no way counter-human beings. I am always for people no matter what they think, do, or may have done in their past. Where I put forward ideas or debate against certain ideology, behaviour, ideas, movements, politics, I remain very much on the side of the human beings even though I may be opposed to their worldview, behaviour and politics. Such opposition is generally out of concern for the ultimate consequences of such behaviour or ideas, especially for children. |